DateDownload FormatTitleScriptureSpeaker
2024-01-07MP3  The Gift of Contentment1 Samuel 18:1-9Bruce Chick
2023-12-31MP3  RegenerationJohn 2:23-3:15Justin Crews
2023-12-24MP3  HE gives PEACELuke 2:14Bruce Chick
2023-12-17MP3  7 Shaping Virtues: GodlinessTitus 2:11-14Colin Campbell
2023-12-10MP3  7 Shaping Virtues: GenerosityJohn 19:38-42Bruce Chick
2023-12-03MP3  7 Shaping Virtues: ServitudeMark 10:35-45Spencer Vaughn
2023-11-26MP3  7 Shaping Virtues: EncouragementRomans 15:5Bruce Chick
2023-11-19MP3  7 Shaping Virtues: GratituedLuke 17:11-19Bruce Chick
2023-11-12MP3  7 Shaping Virtues: JoyPsalm 126:1-3Bruce Chick
2023-11-05MP3  7 Shaping Virtues: HumilityIsaiah 53:1-3Bruce Chick
2023-10-29MP3  Authentic WorshipJohn 4:23Spencer Vaughn
2023-10-22MP3  Psalm 67Psalm 67Justin Crews
2023-10-15MP3  Esther Part 4: A Sovereign RescueEsther 8-10Bruce Chick
2023-10-08MP3  Esther Part 3: A Sovereign ReversalEsther 4:12-7:10Bruce Chick
2023-10-01MP3  Esther Part 2: A Sovereign ChoiceEsther 2:19-4:11Bruce Chick
2023-09-24MP3  Esther Part I: A Sovereign PositioningEsther 1:1-2:18Bruce Chick
2023-09-17MP3  Surpassing WorthPhilippians 3:7-14Bob Donahue
2023-09-10MP3  Mission NOT ImpossibleMatthew 28:16-20Bruce Chick
2023-09-03MP3  The Filled HeavensMatthew 27:57-28:15Bruce Chick
2023-08-27MP3  Christ Crucified: Part 2Matthew 27:45-56Bruce Chick
2023-08-20MP3  Christ Crucified: Part 1Matthew 27:32-44Bruce Chick
2023-08-13MP3  The Call of a ChristianRomans 12:1-2Bo Ice
2023-08-06MP3  Pressure TestMatthew 27:11-31Colin Campbell
2023-07-30MP3  Psalm 78Psalm 78:1-8Steve Whitacre
2023-07-23MP3  Plumb PerfectMatthew 26:69-27:10Bruce Chick
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